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DAVE FRANCO, Writer / Ghostwriter / Speaker


I had been an advertising copywriter for 25 years before an employer asked me to write a story—that is when my life changed. The story reached thousands of people and letters of tears, thanks and lives changed started rolling in. I had written scores of ads for big brands and no one had cried yet. That’s when I learned the power of story to reach deep inside. I began writing stories full-time and have never looked back.

After writing books, feature articles, and short nonfiction stories for 11 years, plus sharing the power of story with companies, universities, and writing groups, I may be the person you are looking for…to write your book or inspire your team to approach business with a storytellers mindset.

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People are writing memoirs in droves——great! Collected from my many years writing memoirs, here are 64 quick, illustrative and inspirational tips to help you finish, and elevate your writing into fascinating, spellbinding prose. Too many writers have half-finished manuscripts, or books that are completed, but read like logs in a fireplace, unlit. This book will offer ideas for getting your thoughts to spill onto the page with heat, crackle, and glow.

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Excerpts - Click on Title

About 80% of the people who read my book finished all 233 pages in one sitting. How many authors can say that? If not for Dave, that never would’ve happened.

Jessica YaffaDomestic Violence Advocate, "Mine Until"

I knew I had a story. What I didn’t know was that it was so poignant. It takes a brilliant writer to make that happen and Dave certainly is that.

Mark Beamish, "Not My Business"Mark Beamish Waterproofing Founder

Dave took a series of my recollections and turned it into a stunningly brilliant and beautiful narrative.

Mike Clark, "Killer Headache"Mike Clark Band

Dave was able to identify who I really was and what my story really was. I actually cried when I read my own story.

Kevin Loomis, "An Awful Human Being"Former Stratton Oakmont Wall Street Broker (Wolf of Wallstreet)

Dave’s writing is like a movie is unfolding before your eyes. He is truly extraordinary.

Lindsay Hines, "Inconveivable"Wife, Mother and Professional

THANK YOU!! These stories are changing the way we're reaching current workers! I can see through analytics that they are reading these stories. Exciting stuff!

Brandy MeeksNPO And Then There Were None/ProLove

DAVE FRANCO has over 27 years experience as a professional writer and storyteller having written over 100 personal stories of faith, trial and triumph for magazine columns, web blogs and memoir books. Early career was as an advertising copywriter for various national ad agencies in LA and NYC including Chiat/Day and Bozell. Dave is a published songwriter, contributed to the feature film soundtrack of “To Save A Life” and has written two musicals.

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